9 tips for a budget-friendly shop make-over

Dare to ben colourful

From ‘walking through’ to ‘walking in’

As the leaves outside change colour, we invite you to do the same with your shop or business. After all, October is interior design month, so chances are that potential customers will want to give their interiors a fresh touch-up. How do you make sure your shop window catches the eye, that you stand out from the rest and that ‘walking through’ becomes ‘walking in’? With these tips, you can create an inviting shop and shop window with minimal costs.

+  Dare to be colourful!

This October it’s all about being bold, daring and doing. Dare to be colourful! Colourful, eye-catching home accessories and furniture are common this autumn and winter. Create a new styling point and make sure your range is in line with this trend and attract your customer’s attention.

+ Refresh your shop window

Your shop window is your business card. Window shoppers want to be persuaded to come inside and look further. For that, an inviting shop window cannot be missing. Think carefully about what your customer’s needs might be in a certain period of time. For instance, use seasonal decoration or choose a theme for a specific week.

+ New colour or print

A new shop interior creates a whole new look. For that, you don’t have to buy a new entrance or checkout furniture right away. Painting a wall is a cost-effective way to transform a space. Consider painting an accent wall in a bright colour (or statement wallpaper!) to attract attention.

+ In the spotlight

Good lighting can make a world of difference. Play with the light in your shop and possibly add new spotlights or extra lamps to accentuate certain displays or products. Make sure the shop window and the front part of the shop are well lit even after closing time; this way, you inspire people even when the shop is not open.

+ Are you ‘instagrammable’?

Proud of the makeover of your shop or window display? Show it! Many retailers pay a lot of attention to their offline shop presentation, but then forget to communicate this online. Social media allows you to tell your brand story with strong visual content, increase brand awareness and build interaction with your followers.

+ Create valuable meetings

Organise an inspirational afternoon in your shop and invite your customers well in advance. Think of an interesting lecture, workshop or free (interior) advice. Have you recently started working with a ‘new talent’? Then give him or her a face! This way, you tell a nice story and people become curious about who you invite next time.