TICA Trends & Trade Transport

Transport & packaging service

The TICA Trends & Trade team is more than happy to help. We understand that buying is the best part and that getting your purchases into your shop can be a bit of a hassle. Packaging the products, loading them into your car, and unloading them when you arrive can take a lot of time. We would love to help by delivering and/or packaging your products for you!

Transport service

Are you planning a visit to one of our locations but don’t have suitable transportation? Did you buy something that was bigger than you expected? Use the TICA Trends & Trade transport service and have your products delivered.

If you plan to use our transport service during your next visit, please bear in mind that your delivery needs to be prepared for shipment and that you must go through the checkout no later than an hour or so before closing time.
Ask our service desk staff for our rates, delivery times, and conditions!

Packaging service

To make things even easier, combine the transport service with our packaging service. As part of this service, we will package your products as efficiently as possible. Transport and packaging costs are determined per request and calculated based on the volume and the delivery address.

Ask one of our employees for more information during your next visit.

We also offer these services:

Hotel Maashof

Stay overnight

Long shopping day ahead? Take advantage of our hotel deals and stay overnight at a discounted rate near a TICA branch.

TICA LAB events

Free workshops & events

TICA members have access to free lectures and workshops to take their business to the next level.

Additional online range

TICA members get access to 7,000 additional brands through TICA x Orderchamp.