TICA is opening a foreign branch in Brussels

Good news! Soon, you will be able to shop across the Dutch border. A few weeks ago, we announced the new branch in Ede, and today we are pleased to add Brussels to that list! TICA is proud to take over the Brussels International Cash & Carry Center (BICCC) in the Trademart building; an existing cash & carry spanning an impressive 10,000 m2 with a vast range of interior brands. Thanks to its strategic location in Brussels and central position within Europe, we see this as a springboard for further international growth.

Just a little more patience

In the coming months, intensive work will be undertaken to fully transform the current cash & carry into a full-fledged TICA branch. Additionally, we will ensure that you, as a TICA member, will soon be able to shop at the Belgian branch with your own TICA shopping pass. As soon as this is possible, you will receive notification from us as quickly as possible. So for now… just a little more patience!

A sneak peek of TICA Brussels: