Lifestyle X Fashion, lets party ♥

Stress-free holiday shopping

With the festive season fast approaching, most people are scrambling to find a unique gift for the whole family, the perfect Christmas decorations for a stylish home, beautiful table decorations, and much more!

November and December are notoriously busy months.

In addition to getting their homes in tip-top shape for Christmas guests, many people spend weeks trying to put together the perfect festive outfit. Will it be glitter, velvet, or casual this festive season?

Keep your customers on their toes

One thing’s for sure: November and December are the busiest and most expensive months of the year. Consumers are, well, consumed with shopping. And that’s something we can use to our advantage.

To encourage your customers to keep buying, it’s important to keep them on their toes. Think of ways to decorate your shop to inspire more sales and design festive product combos that don’t take up too much precious space.

LifestyleXFashion X-mas

Add a festive touch to your shop with the help of beautiful images and simple tips and tricks. Inspire your customers to find the perfect accessories for their party outfit while they’re out shopping for festive table accessories

Lifestyle X Fashion 2.0

Lifestyle X Fashion

Lifestyle and fashion are the perfect complementary combination. Looking for tips on lifestyle items in combination with fashion items? Read our previous article with tips >>here<<

more tips: it’s so easy

How do you present lifestyle and fashion items in such a way as to tempt your customers?

Our stylist Imke has gone exploring on your behalf and has put together some great displays to help you get inspired!

Check out the best combinations of Lifestyle X Fashion, use them in your shop, and boost your turnover. Extra fashion items make perfect gifts – ideal with Christmas just around the corner!

Purchasing tip: make sure the colours and materials of the fashion items match the styles you offer in your shop. That way, they will fit in seamlessly and can easily be incorporated into existing displays!