Greeting cards wholesale
Do you have an online shop, your own shop or do you want to use greeting cards as additional sales in your business? You are guaranteed to succeed at TICA! Here you will find the best greeting card wholesalers. A large number of suppliers sell year-round greetings cards, such as congratulations cards. They also respond well to specific seasons and holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. Besides these items, you will find other products in the Gifts & Stationery range at TICA. These include packaging materials, gadgets and gift items. Looking for inspiration? When producing the TICA trend and decorating the styling points in all branches, the TICA stylist team always uses a mix of interior and lifestyle items.
Lifestyle purchasing platform TICA Trends & Trade
At TICA you will find various wholesalers who sell cards, posters and prints. Take a look at the overview below and find the supplier that matches your shop assortment or online shop. Drop by soon to purchase these products. You can take the items straight from the cash & carry if they are in stock or order them. The advantage of buying from so many different suppliers is that you can combine items from the brands to create your own collection.