Update: safety in the warehouse

Dear exhibitor,

You may have already noticed that we have started improving safety in the warehouse at the Aalsmeer branch – and later at other branches as well. With this message, we want to inform you about some safety measures and what they mean for you.

Safe shop floor

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, everyone is entitled to a safe workplace. Therefore, as a company, we are obliged to apply safety rules to reduce the risk of dangerous situations. In our warehouses, the risk of a dangerous situation is particularly higher than in the shop environment, due to the use of motorised vehicles. Safe to work and safe back home. That is our motto.

Blue zebras

TICA is busy equipping the warehouse in Aalsmeer with the necessary safety measures. One of these measures are the blue walkways and zebra crossings that run through the warehouse. We therefore ask you to stay on the walkways and zebra crossings as much as possible. This way, pedestrians and machines can move safely through the expedition. If you leave a walkway or zebra crossing in the warehouse, make sure you wear safety shoes.

And now?

We are working hard to finalise the paths and implement them in all our branches. For now, it is important that you are aware of this measure so that together we can use the shop floor as safely as possible. Once all safety measures are finalised, we will let you know and additional measures will also be announced.

Safe greetings,

Team Logistics