Reducing polystyrene packaging materials

Styrofoam. You too might use it as packaging material. Easy to use and often used as packaging material. Although the material is recyclable, it is still a major source of residual and litter waste and bad for the environment. This is why we draw your attention to the following.

Laws and regulations

TICA must comply with legal regulations on reducing its environmental footprint, but legal regulations are only one means of changing things. It is our own responsibility to adjust TICA’s operations accordingly. In addition, we appeal to all exhibitors at TICA to do the same. It is our common task to reduce the burden on the environment, now and in the future.

More sustainable alternatives

Styrofoam is easy to substitute for other materials. Think paper packaging, biodegradable packaging and reusable packaging. Fortunately, this is already happening more and more often; as a packaging material, we increasingly see cardboard or plastic air bags. Materials that are much easier to recycle and have much less impact on the environment.

What does this mean for me?

By bringing this topic to your attention as an exhibitor, we are taking a first step in considering and thinking about more sustainable forms of packaging materials. In the longer term, the Logistics department aims for most exhibitors to be inspired by and also take the step towards more sustainable packaging materials. Eventually, TICA will stop processing Styrofoam or make this processing unattractive.

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